Master pages & forms authentication & no graphics showing?


Rob R. Ainscough

I'm using forms authentication along with Master pages -- my authenticated
forms reside is a sub-dir (Secure) below the web site root dir. The problem
is that any graphics placed on the Master page do NOT appear in any of the
web forms located in my Secure dir, however, any forms off the root of my
web app will display the master page with the graphics.

Is there some trick to get master pages to work with forms authentication of
forms located in a sub-dir under the web app root dir?? Other elements of
the Master page show correctly, just any images (in this case a gif) on the
master page do NOT show.

Any suggestions?

thanks, Rob.

Rob R. Ainscough

Nevermind, found the solution -- have to use a Control (Image) and relative
paths OR with direct HTML I have to use the FULL path.

Brock Allen

Nevermind, found the solution -- have to use a Control (Image) and
relative paths OR with direct HTML I have to use the FULL path.

Dont' forget about the relative path as well using "~/path" (requires a server
side control):

<img runat=server src="~/images/foo.jpg" />


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