Marking or deleting multiple e-mails in Outlook 2000



I did an e-mail search and downloaded the numerous, relevant e-mails into a
..pst file. Now it turns out, I have to redo the search with additional
search parameters. This will result in many duplicate e-mails. (I was told
that moving the e-mails from the second search into the original .pst files
would just result in multiple copies of the same e-mail.)

Is there any way to automatically delete the duplicate e-mails or mark them
so I don't have to review the same e-mails? Alternatively, if there was a
way to automatically exclude e-mails with the prior search terms that would
be helpful as well. My goal is to review just the new, unique e-mails.

When I looked at the advanced find function, there didn't seem to be boolean
operators to allow for exclusions.


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