Margin after left shared border



Hi, Is there a way to increase or reduce the space between the paragraph and
the left shared border. As it is now the body is about 25 pixels away from
my left shared border. Can I change it? I have FP2002.


Using shared borders - no.
If you change to using include files or Dynamic Web Template (in
FP2003), instead of shared borders, then you can design the page
layout exactly as you want it.


Thanks Ron, I've done some reading under different search praises after I
posted initially and see the problem. I'm about to update to FP2003 . This
is not top priority to me right now so I think I'll wait and install '03 and
then deal with it. Thanks for answering the post though..I'm sure it gets a
little monotonous to you guys answering frequent questions but believe it or
not I searched the phrase first and didn't get much.

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