Mapping a Drive from local machine account


Gale Coleman

Hello all,

We are using Windows 2000 pro machines on a Windows NT domain. One of the
users has a domain account as a regular user. She needed a local machine
account with administrative priveleges for one of the programs that she
runs. How can I get a drive mapped to a domain share when she is logged
into the local machine as administrator? I can search google, but I don't
think I am using the correct terms as I am not finding anything relevant to
my question.



Jerold Schulman

Hello all,

We are using Windows 2000 pro machines on a Windows NT domain. One of the
users has a domain account as a regular user. She needed a local machine
account with administrative priveleges for one of the programs that she
runs. How can I get a drive mapped to a domain share when she is logged
into the local machine as administrator? I can search google, but I don't
think I am using the correct terms as I am not finding anything relevant to
my question.



She should log on as the regular user and on the local machine, add her domain
account to the local administrators group.

net localgroup Administrators "DomainName\UserName" /ADD

She will be a normal user in the domain, but a local admin at the same time.

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

Gale Coleman

So I would go onto her machine under computer management and click on local
users and groups then the folder Groups and add her domain account to the
adminstrators group?



Dave Patrick



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| So I would go onto her machine under computer management and click on
| users and groups then the folder Groups and add her domain account to the
| adminstrators group?
| Thanks,
| Gale

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