Manufacturers and Microsoft need to work together and resolve this quickly



At first I thought my 2210 all-in-one was defective, and I'm sure there are other consumers who will think the same, won't do the research to find out about this problem, and may simply return their units. After a great deal of trouble shooting and research, I finally found the reference to Article 320549. It's too bad that the fix won't work for me, if I've understood it correctly, since my computer came with XP Home/Service Pack1 installed. I've emailed the corporate headquarters of H-P about this. I'm pretty tired of being shuffled back and forth between Microsoft and the manufacturers to no avail. They all need to get together and fix this problem. As far as only downloading the hotfix if you consider the problem "critical"...after investing money in an all-in-one, I don't know anyone who wouldn't consider the problem critical. We bought our all-in-one units in good faith, without being informed prior to purchase there would be a compatibility problem. As a result, the scan feature on these units is rendered useless and worthless. All the manufacturers need to get together with Microsoft and get a remedy to us that will work for everyone, including those with Service Packs already installed, sooner rather than later.


Sounds like a good reason to return the all in one to me.
All in ones have been a reoccurring problem thru various versions of
windows. The driver package seems to be complex, and the mfrs don't like to
spend the money necessary to fully update the package.

My current one, a panisonic laser unit, works thru windows 98SE (with win95
based drivers), and can be used as only a printer in most later windows

JCB said:
At first I thought my 2210 all-in-one was defective, and I'm sure there
are other consumers who will think the same, won't do the research to find
out about this problem, and may simply return their units. After a great
deal of trouble shooting and research, I finally found the reference to
Article 320549. It's too bad that the fix won't work for me, if I've
understood it correctly, since my computer came with XP Home/Service Pack1
installed. I've emailed the corporate headquarters of H-P about this. I'm
pretty tired of being shuffled back and forth between Microsoft and the
manufacturers to no avail. They all need to get together and fix this
problem. As far as only downloading the hotfix if you consider the problem
"critical"...after investing money in an all-in-one, I don't know anyone who
wouldn't consider the problem critical. We bought our all-in-one units in
good faith, without being informed prior to purchase there would be a
compatibility problem. As a result, the scan feature on these units is
rendered useless and worthless. All the manufacturers need to get together
with Microsoft and get a remedy to us that will work for everyone, including
those with Service Packs already installed, sooner rather than later.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Have you checked your version of usbscan.sys against the one in the article?
If it doesn't match, then you can probably use it. Note that the article is
dated after the release of SP1, which is another indication that it may
apply to you. As far as support goes, you should not be bouncing back and
forth between HP and MS. The HP license to sell you XP with their system
quite clearly states that they are responsible for all support. They should
obtain this hotfix for you (though calling and obtaining it for yourself may
be faster). The main body you should be blaming is the builder of the
equipment, as they failed to follow the guidelines for compatibility.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

JCB said:
At first I thought my 2210 all-in-one was defective, and I'm sure there
are other consumers who will think the same, won't do the research to find
out about this problem, and may simply return their units. After a great
deal of trouble shooting and research, I finally found the reference to
Article 320549. It's too bad that the fix won't work for me, if I've
understood it correctly, since my computer came with XP Home/Service Pack1
installed. I've emailed the corporate headquarters of H-P about this. I'm
pretty tired of being shuffled back and forth between Microsoft and the
manufacturers to no avail. They all need to get together and fix this
problem. As far as only downloading the hotfix if you consider the problem
"critical"...after investing money in an all-in-one, I don't know anyone who
wouldn't consider the problem critical. We bought our all-in-one units in
good faith, without being informed prior to purchase there would be a
compatibility problem. As a result, the scan feature on these units is
rendered useless and worthless. All the manufacturers need to get together
with Microsoft and get a remedy to us that will work for everyone, including
those with Service Packs already installed, sooner rather than later.


-----Original Message-----
At first I thought my 2210 all-in-one was defective, and
I'm sure there are other consumers who will think the
same, won't do the research to find out about this
problem, and may simply return their units. After a
great deal of trouble shooting and research, I finally
found the reference to Article 320549. It's too bad that
the fix won't work for me, if I've understood it
correctly, since my computer came with XP Home/Service
Pack1 installed. I've emailed the corporate headquarters
of H-P about this. I'm pretty tired of being shuffled
back and forth between Microsoft and the manufacturers to
no avail. They all need to get together and fix this
problem. As far as only downloading the hotfix if you
consider the problem "critical"...after investing money
in an all-in-one, I don't know anyone who wouldn't
consider the problem critical. We bought our all-in-one
units in good faith, without being informed prior to
purchase there would be a compatibility problem. As a
result, the scan feature on these units is rendered
useless and worthless. All the manufacturers need to get
together with Microsoft and get a remedy to us that will
work for everyone, including those with Service Packs
already installed, sooner rather than later.
no you do not understand.

if you have sp1 the fix is included and you have the fix
so that is not the cause of your problem.


I tried to install a HP PSC 1210 All-IN-One two days ago. I
followed the install procedures to the letter. Keep getting
all kinds of MS Error Displays (Can't Find/Identify
HardWare, etc.) Took the printer back and got another one.
Tried HP site for help, this group and received
suggestions, too. After a total of 6 hours trying to
install the HP I gave up. I returned the HP and bought a
Brother 5-in-one and installed it, setup and operational in
less than 30 minutes from opening box to customizing all
features. Apparently, HP and MS do not like each other? In
fact, the Brother has more features, capabilities and I am
very pleased with it. HP software took forever to load.


you need to understand its not up to microsoft to try to
make its os compatable with every piece of hardware from
every maker in the world!
it is the responsibility of the manufacture of the
hardware to write drivers to work with the os!
-----Original Message-----
At first I thought my 2210 all-in-one was defective, and
I'm sure there are other consumers who will think the
same, won't do the research to find out about this
problem, and may simply return their units. After a
great deal of trouble shooting and research, I finally
found the reference to Article 320549. It's too bad that
the fix won't work for me, if I've understood it
correctly, since my computer came with XP Home/Service
Pack1 installed. I've emailed the corporate headquarters
of H-P about this. I'm pretty tired of being shuffled
back and forth between Microsoft and the manufacturers to
no avail. They all need to get together and fix this
problem. As far as only downloading the hotfix if you
consider the problem "critical"...after investing money
in an all-in-one, I don't know anyone who wouldn't
consider the problem critical. We bought our all-in-one
units in good faith, without being informed prior to
purchase there would be a compatibility problem. As a
result, the scan feature on these units is rendered
useless and worthless. All the manufacturers need to get
together with Microsoft and get a remedy to us that will
work for everyone, including those with Service Packs
already installed, sooner rather than later.


Well, thank you Don I do appreciate your input. It's a shame that not only HP but many other manufacturers of all in one's are having this problem. Others users with Service Pack 1 are still experiencing it too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my unit. It worked with Windows Me. It does not work with Windows XP and they acknowledge it. Microsoft advertises the HP all in one as "made for XP" on it's list of compatible units and that's wrong. I'm not the only one experiencing the problem and I have to say it's just frustrating not to be able to get help. I can't even get online help. When they ask me what system I'm using and I key in my ID # for Windows, they refer me back to the computer manufacturer, who then refers me back to Microsoft. There's just no reason for this...and I'm not the only one having the problem unfortunately. When people start returning the units to the place of purchase, maybe someone will sit up and take notice. In the meanwhile, thanks to all who's very kind of you and I appreciate it. And my next call is to my broker, who does answer his phone, to dump my Microsoft and HP shares...this is no way to do business guys.


Chuck, thanks...why don't they tell you this when you buy it? My unit worked with ME, but it won't work with XP. Very frustrating problem, and nobody seems to care.


7:45 PM EST - Rick, You are far from a "nutcase" because I called my computer manufacturer after reading your post. I have a Sony Vaio notebook and I've been on the phone with their techs for an hour. After they had me uninstall the usbhost files without success and talking with 2 levels of support technicians, I finally got at least a promise that a work order is being issued to their Engineers to come up with a fix for this through Microsoft. We discussed reinstalling the operating system, but that would do nothing because Service Pack 1 (security) is part of the XP bundled software on the recovery discs too. I have no idea how long something like this will take, but they will email me with it when they have it. Until then, my all in one is just a printer. It's several months old so I can't return it and it worked just fine with my last computer running WIN ME. All we can do is wait, but I would very strongly suggest that anyone else having this problem do as you have the computer manufacturer! It is now documented officially with an Event Number in their files, and, ever the optimist, I believe they will start to take action on it. The last rep I talked to told me outright it is the computer manufacturer's responsibility to get a fix because they sold me the computer with the bundled software, just as you said. Thank you for your help...I can finally get off the merry-go-round I've been on back and forth with Microsoft, HP and Sony. I won't mind waiting as long as I know somebody is working to resolve this. Thanks for your time...there should be more "nutcases" like you in the world.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


You're welcome, and good luck.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

JCB said:
7:45 PM EST - Rick, You are far from a "nutcase" because I called my
computer manufacturer after reading your post. I have a Sony Vaio notebook
and I've been on the phone with their techs for an hour. After they had me
uninstall the usbhost files without success and talking with 2 levels of
support technicians, I finally got at least a promise that a work order is
being issued to their Engineers to come up with a fix for this through
Microsoft. We discussed reinstalling the operating system, but that would
do nothing because Service Pack 1 (security) is part of the XP bundled
software on the recovery discs too. I have no idea how long something like
this will take, but they will email me with it when they have it. Until
then, my all in one is just a printer. It's several months old so I can't
return it and it worked just fine with my last computer running WIN ME.
All we can do is wait, but I would very strongly suggest that anyone else
having this problem do as you have the computer manufacturer! It
is now documented officially with an Event Number in their files, and, ever
the optimist, I believe they will start to take action on it. The last rep I
talked to told me outright it is the computer manufacturer's responsibility
to get a fix because they sold me the computer with the bundled software,
just as you said. Thank you for your help...I can finally get off the
merry-go-round I've been on back and forth with Microsoft, HP and Sony. I
won't mind waiting as long as I know somebody is working to resolve this.
Thanks for your time...there should be more "nutcases" like you in the

Alex Nichol

JCB said:
At first I thought my 2210 all-in-one was defective, and I'm sure there are other consumers who will think the same, won't do the research to find out about this problem, and may simply return their units. After a great deal of trouble shooting and research, I finally found the reference to Article 320549. It's too bad that the fix won't work for me, if I've understood it correctly, since my computer came with XP Home/Service Pack1 installed.

No - you misunderstand. They are suggesting that if you do *not* suffer
the problem, you wait for the next SP, which will include a fully tested
version of the fix. Meanwhile you can get the one referred to if you
call Microsoft Support, don't mention HP specifically but just say
straight off that you are suffering the problem referred to in that page
and want the fix. You will not be charged, may be asked to report any
problems that arise from it, and be given the link to download it


I received a phone call on Thursday afternoon from one of Hewlett-Packard's Case Managers. He spent over an hour with me on the phone trouble shooting this problem and I am happy to say that my scanner is now working. He said Microsoft will eventually come out with a service pack that will address the issue, as we have been told, but until then I have a working unit thanks to H-P having a way to work around the issue. "Ask and ye shall receive".

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Well that's certainly good news. Thanks for the feedback.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

JCB said:
I received a phone call on Thursday afternoon from one of
Hewlett-Packard's Case Managers. He spent over an hour with me on the phone
trouble shooting this problem and I am happy to say that my scanner is now
working. He said Microsoft will eventually come out with a service pack
that will address the issue, as we have been told, but until then I have a
working unit thanks to H-P having a way to work around the issue. "Ask and
ye shall receive".

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