Manipulating custom forms in Outlook




I have an add-in installing a toolbar with a single
button. By clicking on the button, a custom form pops up:

Dim cmdbarB As CommandBarButton
Set cmdbarB = Outlook.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars

I need to fill up programatically a couple of fields
and "push" a button that posts the form to a mail-like
folder (message class IPM.Note). Actually, I need to use
automation from Excel. How could I access those fields
and the button?



Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

Hi Mani. I'm having a hard time understanding exactly what it is that you
are tyring to do. I'll do my best:

- to access custom User Defined Fields, use this:

Dim objProp as Outlook.UserProperty
Set objProp = myItem.UserProperties("<custom field name>")

- to create a new Post item, do this:

Set objPost = objFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Post")
objPost.Subject = "test"


Thanks Eric,

It is about a plug-in from a 3rd party. A form is used to
fill in a phone number and a message. Then you press a
button to send the message. As you can see below, this
object doesn't expose the means to address the fields and
other controls.

Best regards,

Mani ([email protected])

The following are messages on COM&Add-ins group:

Subject: Re: Trouble using a plug-in
From: "Mani" <[email protected]>
Sent: 6/9/2004 8:05:14 AM

Thank you Ken, I thought so. It sufficiently automates
the task. Best regards, M

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