Making the same button do client side javascript and server side vbscript?



I am working on an application where the user enters info into a
multiline textbox. The info is Stylesheet tags that he wants web pages
to use. Basically he would be entering a stylesheet into the textbox,
something like:
..link_header{color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 9pt; text-decoration:none;
font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold;}
Then he clicks a PREVIEW button, and a new window pops open with a
sample webpage formatted using the stylesheet he entered into the
textbox. If he is satisfied with that page, he clicks a SAVE button on
the original page.
Now if this were all in, it would be easy. I could just
capture the stylesheet info, write to a file, and have the new webpage
refer to that file. But the problem comes in opening a new window. It
seems that ASP.NET can't open a new browser window - only client side
javascript can do that. So I would need to first capture the
stylesheet info that the user entered, using, and only then
open a new window. Is that impossible?

S. Justin Gengo


Enter the style sheet information, click the button, in the button's click
event save the style sheet information wherever you need to to access it
again be that a database, session variable, etc.

Then also in the button's click event use the RegisterStartupScript method
to place a script on the page at postback that will open the new window:

Page.RegisterStartupScript("OpenWindow", "<script

RegisterStartupScript sets the javascript to run when the page is loaded
into the client browser. So the window will open when the postback is


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

"Out of chaos comes order."

Jason Kester

Just use on the client. It will hand you back a
reference to the window it opens that you can use to communicate with
that window. The window will also have a reference to its Parent.

You'll have to parse the stylesheet and set the style properties by
hand. No easy task, but certainly doable. This part I know, because I
actually did this for a client last week.

ASP.NET never comes into play, unless you want it to. If so, scrap the
above and just write the .css text straight into your preview.aspx

Jason Kester
Expat Software Consulting Services

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