making form sections not visible


mark kubicki

I have a form whose footer should not always be visible...

I thought that I could pass a value to the form's load event thru an
OpenArgs property assigned at the command to open the form
sigh... (doesn't seem to work)

actually, I tried this simple command (below) at the form_load event, and
yet it the footer is still visible
me.formfooter.visible = False

maybe, there's a trick?

thanks in advance,

Jeff Boyce


?If you try this at Form_Open instead?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Damon Heron

Experiment with the height property. Remember it is in twips. So
me.formfooter.height =1440 is one inch. If set to zero it would be
invisible. This also affects the entire form, so you may have to fiddle
with the form's height as well.


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