Making form for excell time sheet



Have you tried using a text box to prompt for a value, then link that value
to the cell it is to be placed in?

sub timesheetvalues()
res = InputBox("Please Enter the Start Time for Monday", "Title")
If res = "" Then
Exit Sub
Range("A1").value = res ' Adjust Cell to suit
end if
end sub




Corey said:
Have you tried using a text box to prompt for a value, then link that value
to the cell it is to be placed in?

sub timesheetvalues()
res = InputBox("Please Enter the Start Time for Monday", "Title")
If res = "" Then
Exit Sub
Range("A1").value = res ' Adjust Cell to suit
end if
end sub



Hi corey ,
I am really new to this sorry. What I really want to do is make a form that
would automatically put right data in correct field in excel document. Is
there a tutorial I can use so I don’t want take up a whole forum with Newbie
questions. What I do is have my pda at work with excel time sheet doc I
listed I then add info on pda to the fields on the pda. The only problem is
the pda screen makes the fields so small it take's like ten minutes to put
them in. A screen were I could put like what day of the week (answer box)
what date (answer box) How many hours did I work on this day (then box for
the answer) Have a question how many over time hours (then box for answer)

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