Making All Mail Folders behave!



Following advice from Sally McGhee I have used a structure to my email
folders which reflects my priorities. However when I open outlook mail, the
navigation pane displays some of the folders expanded, and one of the sub
When i "tidy up" the appearnce by closing the folders agaib, and closing
outlook, they reappaer in the same haphazrd way as before.
Is there a way of arranging my All Mail Folders section of the Navigation
Pane which will then become the default appearane next time i open outlook?
I appreciate any help.


That is a pity. Perhaps there is a logic in the system which would explain
why some folders are expanded and some not.
I will conitnue to try to find a method, and will report back WHEN i have
found one
Thanks for your help


Not one to give up easily, I have today simply re created the folders on my
list with slightly different names, moved the old files which wouldn;t stay
hidden by dragging them onto the newly named folder, then renamed the folder
with the original name. It works, the directory is now tidy.
Now for some real work...
Thanks for your interest

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