Making action buttons disappear after being clicked

  • Thread starter lance via
  • Start date

lance via

Hello, im designing a PowerPoint presentation where I want a picture behind
a puzzle, so as you click on the puzzle pieces that piece of the picture
appears, and so on until the entire picture is visible.

I was wondering if anyone was able to help me in this matter, thank you.

Austin Myers

If you are using Office 2002 or later, you may use an Exit Animation with an
On Click command.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Solutions to Multimedia in PowerPoint

Hans W. Hofmann

On Mon, 09 May 2005 21:21:12 GMT, "lance via"

Hi lance,
Hello, im designing a PowerPoint presentation where I want a picture behind
a puzzle, so as you click on the puzzle pieces that piece of the picture
appears, and so on until the entire picture is visible.

I was wondering if anyone was able to help me in this matter, thank you.

Cover a picture with 8 Autoforms use the code to make picture visible
or hide. Bind code to ActionButton...
You have to name the Autoforms to spezified oName. Do you have code to
name the shapes?

Const n = 8
Const oName = "Objekt"
Public Bild(n) As Boolean

Sub AnimateVisible()
' Autoforms named as Objekt1, Objekt2...Objekt8
' visible/hide in random order
Dim ZeigeBild As Integer
ZeigeBild = 0: Randomize
For i% = 1 To n: ZeigeBild = ZeigeBild + Bild(i%): Next
'Check all Autoforms visible
If ZeigeBild = -n Then
' All Autoforms visible, start again
For i% = 1 To n: Bild(i%) = False: Next
End If
' set random Autoform visible
ZeigeBild = Wuerfel(n)
' randomize until found Autoform visible
Loop While Bild(ZeigeBild)
' mark Autoform as hidden
Bild(ZeigeBild) = True
' change visibility and action with userdef animation
With ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes(oName &
.Visible = Not .Visible
.AnimationSettings.Animate = Not .AnimationSettings.Animate
.AnimationSettings.EntryEffect = ppEffectPeekFromUp
' Animation start
' Animation off
.AnimationSettings.Animate = msoFalse
End With

End Sub

Function Wuerfel(Augen As Integer) As Integer
Wuerfel = Int((Augen * Rnd) + 1)
End Function

Gruß HW

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