Make sure aat least one record is returned



I am using the following code on a web form

public DataView CreateEquipmentDataSource(

string equipConnect = "Provider=\"MSDAORA.1\";" + GetConnectionString() + ""
string equipSelect = "Select Description, Isrunning, to_char(Warrantyexpdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy')Expdate"
" from Equipment where Eqnum = " + "'" + equipLabel.Text.ToUpper() + "'"

oda1 = new OleDbDataAdapter(equipSelect, equipConnect)
DataSet ds1 = new DataSet()

oda1.Fill(ds1, "Equip")
DataView Equip = ds1.Tables["Equip"].DefaultView
return Equip

public void FillEquipment(

DataView eq = CreateEquipmentDataSource()
equipDescLabel.Text = eq[0].Row["Description"].ToString()
eqUpLabel.Text = eq[0].Row["Isrunning"].ToString()

When running this code, I get the following error

Index 0 is not non-negative and below total rows count

How do I amend my code to make sure that at least one record is returned



Chris R. Timmons

I am using the following code on a web form:

public DataView CreateEquipmentDataSource()
string equipConnect = "Provider=\"MSDAORA.1\";" +
GetConnectionString() + ""; string equipSelect =
"Select Description, Isrunning,
to_char(Warrantyexpdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy')Expdate" +
" from Equipment where Eqnum = " + "'" +
equipLabel.Text.ToUpper() + "'";

oda1 = new OleDbDataAdapter(equipSelect,
equipConnect); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();

oda1.Fill(ds1, "Equip");
DataView Equip = ds1.Tables["Equip"].DefaultView;
return Equip;

public void FillEquipment()
DataView eq = CreateEquipmentDataSource();
equipDescLabel.Text =
eqUpLabel.Text =

When running this code, I get the following error:

Index 0 is not non-negative and below total rows count.

How do I amend my code to make sure that at least one record is


Depending on your data, their may be no way to guarantee that the
DataView will have any rows.

A better approach is to handle the case where their are no rows in
the result set:

public void FillEquipment()
DataView eq = CreateEquipmentDataSource();

if (eq.Count == 0)
equipDescLabel.Text = "No rows in result set.";
eqUpLabel.Text = "No rows in result set.";
equipDescLabel.Text = eq[0].Row["Description"].ToString();
eqUpLabel.Text = eq[0].Row["Isrunning"].ToString();

Hope this helps.


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