Make a cell font red if number is greater than 200

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Make a cell font red if number is greater than 200 and have a message pop up
saying (you have exceeded the number of hours allowed).

Dave Peterson

How does the cell change?

By the user typing in the new value--or the results of a formula?

If it's by typing, you could use data|Validation (xl2003 menus) and stop the
invalid entry.

If you change it to a warning, then you could use format|conditional formatting
to show the value in red.

If the value changes via a formula (or by typing), you could use
format|Conditional formatting and a helper cell:

=if(a1<=200,"","Error too large")

Format this cell in big bold red letters to make it noticeable.


For first use conditional formatting.

For pop up you can use data validation.

Let me know if you need detailed instructions.


You can use conditional formatting on the cell to make it turn red if
the cell contents exceed 200. Also, you could use another cell to
produce the error message, like this:

=IF(A1>200,"Excess Hours","")

Format that cell with bold and in red if you like.

Hope this helps.


Roger Govier


You can't have both
Place cursor on cell concerned, Format>Conditional Formatting>Cell Value
is>Greater Than>200>Format>Font>Red>OK
Select cell again, Data>Validation>Allow>Whole
number>Between>Minimum>0>Maximum>200>Error Alert>type in your message

If Data Validation is in place, then the value entered will never be above
200 hence the colour condition will not get triggered.

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