mail merge - one other little problem


Linea Recta

I have one other little problem merging mail for the c6 envelope.

I have an address block on the envelope, consisting of the following merge
fields from my Access database table:

"title" "first name" "last name"
"postcode" "place"

In some records, there is no title. In some records there is no first name.
There is no problem with the merge field itself, because empty merge fields
seem to be skipped.
BUT, the spaces... I would also like to skip the spaces on the envelope if a
merge field is empty, so as to keep the non-empty fields in line...
Is it possible?


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Steve Wylie

Hello there

What you would normally do is where the space is between Title and First
Name, replace it with an IF field code construct, which Word should help you
set up by popping up a dialog when you select "IF" from the drop down menu
on the mailmerge toolbar, along the lines of:

IF Title "is not blank" ..... then type a space into the first big window.

This will tell Word not to put a space in unless there is something in the
field TITLE.

Do the same for First Name and it should work.

Steve Wylie

Linea Recta

That's it! Now why didn't I think of this myself? I'm saving these replies,
cause I can't seem to remember them over time...


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