Mail Merge no longer works after convervsion from 97 to 2003.



We are converting several databases from 97 to 2003 and mail merge stops
working after the conversion. I does not see the parameter queries that have
been previously written to merge with. Also I will not let you write new
parameter queries in access 2003. I simply does not recognize them.
Essentially, the Microsoft Access 2003 software is ruining all of our
previous work. I have 158 databases to convert for the company and junk
software that does not work. I have been searching the internet for people
with the same problem and found 3 others with exactly the same issue but with
no resolution.

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You need to ask in a Word group for information on how
to use Word, but briefly, all of the old mail merge commands
are still there: DDE merge source (as used in Word 6),
ODBC merge source (as used in Word 97) as well as
OLEDB merge source (as used in Word 2003).

All of your old and new parameter queries are still there:
it's not Access that is causing the problem.


We are converting several databases from 97 to 2003 and mail merge stops
working after the conversion. I does not see the parameter queries that have
been previously written to merge with. Also I will not let you write new
parameter queries in access 2003. I simply does not recognize them.
Essentially, the Microsoft Access 2003 software is ruining all of our
previous work. I have 158 databases to convert for the company and junk
software that does not work. I have been searching the internet for people
with the same problem and found 3 others with exactly the same issue but with
no resolution.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


I turns out you were absolutely right. Word was creating the problems. I
found some documentation that indicated I need to go to Tools, Options,
General and click on "Confirm Conversion at Open". When I did this, all of
the queries were now available to me and I pointed to the right query. I
went back and turned that option off and it works fine now. Thanks for your

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