Mail merge from ms access




Ok new problem...........

I am trying to mail merge from MS Access to MS Word. Searching the net, I
found people suggesting that making ms access and ms word (XP) work together
was problematic, so I followed a suggestion to base my mail merge document
on a xls file that is produced by MS Access and then open the Word document.
I have included the code below. However, when MS Word opens, the document is
in the 'preview' mode and then needs to be merged before printing.

Is it possible to open the document directly in the final 'print' view?

Thank you everyone for helping me!


This is my code:

DoCmd.OutputTo acQuery, "CopyQryICTOrders", "Microsoft Excel(*.xls)",
"\\Study-2\shareddocs\Admin\Finance\Orders\QryICTOrders.xls", False, ""

Dim objWord As Word.Document
Set objWord = GetObject("\\Study-2\shareddocs\Admin\Finance\Orders\CMS
Code and Invoice Letter.doc", "Word.Document")
' Make Word visible.
objWord.Application.Visible = True


Hi Jan,

Automating word is the best way,

I am not saying it's perfect but it works, once working it is a very
flexible system, look at Albert's code it work on the word merge functions
and yes previewing before printing that's by default. Drop the Excel idea
just more things to go wrong.

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