Magik Fortune's Character Can't Speak



Download Link: Speech API

4. Text to Speech Engine (English)

Download Link: Text To Speech Engine


Above is a quote from MagikFortune's Software required page. However, when I
Click on either link - it then directs me to the Microsoft Explorer page

But which Links (?) on that Microsoft Internet Explorer page do I then Click
(?) in order to Download those (2) needed Speech Programs?

BTW, I'm using WindownsXP SP2 and my Character is, Peedy. However, I do hear
the flapping sound of his wings, when he comes, or goes. But that's all.



I have spent several hours perusing & downloading many, Text-to-Speech &
SAPI 4.0 Downloads only to dead-end myself.

Jeepers! What is wrong with MS anyway? Why is there so much of similar
everything and so much stuff that simply doesn't work??

I think the guy on the Apple commercials has got it right; I mean after all
these years - and things just seem to get more convoluted as time goes on.

A simple thing of just getting an animated character to talk is a big big
production that can't be done simply, for Heaven's Sake!

At this point, in time, the computers should not only be diagnosing
themselves, but resolving their own issues! And WE should be living a quality
of life - instead of living a time-consuming-frustrating-wasted time and
energy exsistance on this crap.

Lastly, to think that Gates is the richest man in America. As in 57 billion
worth? If ever anyone did not deserve a large amount of $ he's gotta be 1st
in line. Period.
Thank you,

biermanoski said:
I did. Error Tab on page reads, "The system cannot find the file specified."

Thanks, anyway, Donald. And I am sorry that I took so long to get back to
You :)
Both Times :))



Sorry, "Bill G." about that last Post.

I finalllllllly got Peedy talking. Wow, MagikFortune's downloading web site (2) downloading links were strangely
sensitive. I use a Notebook w/touch-pad but never had this experience B/4; it
just wouldn't connect whenever I had tapped on it.

However, I kept coming back, and finally, I made a connection, and was then
able to download both of the programs.

But the 1st link I didn't need as SAPI 4.0 is installed by WINXP default (as
the previous Poster noted) so I had this new one, plus the default one, and
then another that I had come across on the Miscrosoft MSAGENT web site.

What a mess. But it's all ok, now. Really ok since I invested so much time.


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