

Mike Frazier

I am using Microsoft FrontPage 2003 on my website and use several forms,
three of the forms submitted include the users E-Mail address. All the forms
are sent to my MS Outlook 2007 inbox. What I would like to do is on the
three forms that include users E-Mail addresses that arrived in my inbox,
would like them forwarded to the users E-Mail address that was inputted on
the form. Is this possible by using a Macro? Are they any sample Macros or
is there a simplier solution?

Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

Yes, you can easily do this. From a coding perspective, you need to evaluate
the contents of the MailItem.Body property using string functions from the
VBA.Strings class (such as InStr, Left, Right, etc.). You can use those
methods to find the location of the e-mail address and read it, then use
MailItem.Forward to send them copies of the current e-mail.

This page has lots of info to get you started:

How to process incoming messages in Microsoft Outlook:

Let me know if you need anything else...

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