Macro tool for solver



I am writing a macro tool for the solver function and i don't want the
solver results box to pop up in the worksheet, i just want to use the
solver values, How do i do this?


I'm not sure what it is you're trying to accomplish. I
have loaded solver set cell, constraints, etc. and solved
for a result without any user dialog with solver. The
resulting optimal solution was put into the designated
cells of a worksheet. Is this what you are trying to do?


Dana DeLouis

If I understand the question, one is trying to not have the result dialog
box pop up when Solver is finished.

Results = SolverSolve(UserFinish:=True)

Use "Results" to determine how solver did.
I don't want the
solver results box to pop up ...

(Note that in Windows, this is backwards (in my opinion). It should be
False, because one does not want the User to interface with Solver when
done. Don't know why they changed this from the Apple version.)

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