Macro to simply bring up the Find dialogue box??



I'm trying to write a macro (which I'll assign to an on-screen button) that
simply brings up the Find dialogue box. Thus, you press the button and the
Find box appears.

When I try to record the macro, it requires I exit the dialogue box before
stopping recording.

Any ideas?????

Thank you!!!!!

Dave Peterson

I've assigned my version of that macro to ctrl-f (actually, that's the keyboard
shortcut key).

But you could also customize an existing toolbar (or create a new one) that
shows that dialog.

tools|customize|commands tab|Edit category
Near the bottom, there's a binoculars icon (Find).

Just drag it to your favorite toolbar.

Jack Sons


I could use in stead of a find button on my spreadsheet that would
automatically let the find function work in 2 non-consecutive columns (in my
case E and G), a macro that does the same if E1, F1 or G1 is double clicked
(or right clicked). Perhaps something like the code below the dotted line
could work (if you would be so kind to correct it for me). But in the code
module of the worksheet I already have another worksheet procedure that is
triggered by a double click, it begins with:

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, Me.Range("E:E")) Is Nothing And Intersect(Target,
Me.Range("AS:AS")) Is Nothing And Intersect(Target, Me.Range("BT:BT")) Is
Nothing Then Exit Sub

and also a procedure that reacts to a right click. It begins with:

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As
Dim myShtCtBar As Object
If Target.Columns.Count = 1 Or Target.Rows.Count = 1 Then
Select Case Selection.Column

It seems that you can have only one eventprocedure of a kind in a worksheet
code module. Is there a way out?

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick( _
ByVal Target As Excel.Range, Cancel As Boolean)

If Intersect(Target, Range("E1:G1")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub


End If

End Sub

Jack Sons
The Netherlands

Dave Peterson

Yep. You only get one of each type of event within each sheet module.

But you could check to see what range you're in and process based on that.

If you have two ranges, you can have
1. No intersection between them (mutually exclusive).
2. An overlap of at least one cell.

If the ranges are mutually exclusive, then it's pretty straight forward. Figure
out which one you're in (if either) and do the processing based on that.

If the ranges overlap, then you have a decision to make. Do you do the first
procedure or the second procedure or both?

(Doing one of them, but not the other resolves to the first case, too.)

You have an overlap of a couple of cells.

If you're in column E, do one thing. But what should occur if you're in
E1--that cell is in both ranges.

I decided <vbg> that you wanted to do only one thing and that one thing is to
show the .find dialog.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)

Dim myRng1 As Range
Dim myRng2 As Range

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

With Me
'stay away from row 1???
Set myRng1 = Intersect(.Range("e:e,as:as,bt:bt"), _
.Rows("2:" & .Rows.Count))
Set myRng2 = Me.Range("e1:g1")

If Not (Intersect(Target, myRng1) Is Nothing) Then
'it's something
'do your code for stuff that's in e,as,bt
'cancel = true
ElseIf Not (Intersect(Target, myRng2) Is Nothing) Then
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
'cancel = true
End If
End With

End Sub

I left the "cancel = true" commented out. But I would think that you would want
that code uncommented.

If your user has edit directly in cell, double clicking will start that
process. "Cancel = true" stops that from happening.

And in the _BeforeRightClick event, "cancel=true" will stop the popup from
showing up.

(I'm betting that you don't want either to occur, but you'll have to uncomment

And since the routine that occurs with rightclicking also occurs with
doubleclicking in a certain area, you can put that code in one spot and then
when something changes, you don't have to fix two routines:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)

Dim myRng1 As Range
Dim myRng2 As Range

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

With Me
'stay away from row 1???
Set myRng1 = Intersect(.Range("e:e,as:as,bt:bt"), _
.Rows("2:" & .Rows.Count))
Set myRng2 = Me.Range("e1:g1")

If Not (Intersect(Target, myRng1) Is Nothing) Then
'it's something
'do your code for stuff that's in e,as,bt
MsgBox "myRng1"
Cancel = True
ElseIf Not (Intersect(Target, myRng2) Is Nothing) Then
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Call Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(Target, True)
Cancel = True
End If
End With

End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)

With Me
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
Cancel = True
End With

End Sub

ps. The application.enableevents stuff is toggled off just in case you have a
_selectionchange event, too.

Jack Sons


Thanks a lot, I hope to find time during the weekend to try it out.


Jack Sons


About conflicting event ranges: I got it. Thank you very much.

Connected to my first question another one.
How nice would it be (for me) if a button on a worksheet (such as the one
with the find function) would not get out of sight when the sheet is
scrolled to the left or to the right. So a kind of "floating" button that
always stays in sight. Can't have it on a fixed toolbar and fixing it to a
custom toolbar is not very practical because I would have to enable that
toolbar every time I want to use that button. Fixing it to a cell (for
instance A1) in the left most column and fixing that column (don't know the
proper phrase) is also not disirable.

Is it possible to make a worksheet button that goes along with the


Jack Sons said:

Thanks a lot, I hope to find time during the weekend to try it out.


Dave Peterson said:
Yep. You only get one of each type of event within each sheet module.

But you could check to see what range you're in and process based on that.

If you have two ranges, you can have
1. No intersection between them (mutually exclusive).
2. An overlap of at least one cell.

If the ranges are mutually exclusive, then it's pretty straight forward. Figure
out which one you're in (if either) and do the processing based on that.

If the ranges overlap, then you have a decision to make. Do you do the first
procedure or the second procedure or both?

(Doing one of them, but not the other resolves to the first case, too.)

You have an overlap of a couple of cells.

If you're in column E, do one thing. But what should occur if you're in
E1--that cell is in both ranges.

I decided <vbg> that you wanted to do only one thing and that one thing
show the .find dialog.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)

Dim myRng1 As Range
Dim myRng2 As Range

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

With Me
'stay away from row 1???
Set myRng1 = Intersect(.Range("e:e,as:as,bt:bt"), _
.Rows("2:" & .Rows.Count))
Set myRng2 = Me.Range("e1:g1")

If Not (Intersect(Target, myRng1) Is Nothing) Then
'it's something
'do your code for stuff that's in e,as,bt
'cancel = true
ElseIf Not (Intersect(Target, myRng2) Is Nothing) Then
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
'cancel = true
End If
End With

End Sub

I left the "cancel = true" commented out. But I would think that you would want
that code uncommented.

If your user has edit directly in cell, double clicking will start that
process. "Cancel = true" stops that from happening.

And in the _BeforeRightClick event, "cancel=true" will stop the popup from
showing up.

(I'm betting that you don't want either to occur, but you'll have to uncomment

And since the routine that occurs with rightclicking also occurs with
doubleclicking in a certain area, you can put that code in one spot and then
when something changes, you don't have to fix two routines:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)

Dim myRng1 As Range
Dim myRng2 As Range

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

With Me
'stay away from row 1???
Set myRng1 = Intersect(.Range("e:e,as:as,bt:bt"), _
.Rows("2:" & .Rows.Count))
Set myRng2 = Me.Range("e1:g1")

If Not (Intersect(Target, myRng1) Is Nothing) Then
'it's something
'do your code for stuff that's in e,as,bt
MsgBox "myRng1"
Cancel = True
ElseIf Not (Intersect(Target, myRng2) Is Nothing) Then
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Call Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(Target, True)
Cancel = True
End If
End With

End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)

With Me
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
Cancel = True
End With

End Sub

ps. The application.enableevents stuff is toggled off just in case you have a
_selectionchange event, too.

Dave Peterson

I'm not quite sure I understand the problem with the toolbar.

If you create a new toolbar (tools|customize|toolbars tab) and assign your macro
to that custom toolbar, then you could keep that toolbar shown all the time (or
hide it and then reshow it on demand).

When you click on the button on that toolbar, excel will open that other
workbook -- if it's not open already.

You wouldn't need to keep that macro workbook open. Excel will take care of the

Jack said:

About conflicting event ranges: I got it. Thank you very much.

Connected to my first question another one.
How nice would it be (for me) if a button on a worksheet (such as the one
with the find function) would not get out of sight when the sheet is
scrolled to the left or to the right. So a kind of "floating" button that
always stays in sight. Can't have it on a fixed toolbar and fixing it to a
custom toolbar is not very practical because I would have to enable that
toolbar every time I want to use that button. Fixing it to a cell (for
instance A1) in the left most column and fixing that column (don't know the
proper phrase) is also not disirable.

Is it possible to make a worksheet button that goes along with the


Jack Sons


Maybe my phrase "worksheet button" is wrong, I don't know the correct name.

I mean this.

I can assign a macro (any macro) to either a button on one of the toolbars
at the upperside of my screen, above the worksheet, or to a button that is
fixed to a specific worksheet. The latter I meant by "worksheet button". The
advantage of a worksheet button is that you don't clog the permanent
toolbars with all kind of buttons that you only need with specific

When I assign a macro (any macro) to a button on the worksheet, that button
is fixed (nailed down) to the specific position where I did put it, say for
example C1. When the worksheet is scrolled to the right the button
disappears out of sight. If the sheet is scrolled to te region of, say,
column AP and this button has to be used, you have to scroll back to the
region where column C - and the button - is visible again. After you get the
result from clicking the button you have to scroll back to the AP region,
which is a bit tedious.

What I would like is that the button "floats" on the worksheet so that it
stays in sight when the sheet is scrolled to the right (or the left).

Hope I made it clear this time. Is what I want possible and if so, how?

Thanks in advance.


Dave Peterson

It sure sounds like you're describing a toolbar to me. (I think it would be
easiest to just let it float (don't dock it to the top of the application

But if you want, maybe something like this:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim myShape As Shape

Set myShape = Me.Shapes("Button 1")

With Me.Cells(ActiveWindow.ScrollRow, ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn)
myShape.Top = .Top
myShape.Left = .Left
End With

End Sub

Rightclick on the worksheet that should have this behavior. Select view code
and paste this into that codewindow.

If you did window|freeze panes, so that row 1 is always visible, you may want to

With Me.Cells(ActiveWindow.ScrollRow, ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn)
With Me.Cells(1, ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn)

(or whatever row you want the button in).

This routine moves the button when the selection changes. If the user moves the
screen using the scroll bars, then it won't show up until they select a range.

Dave Peterson

Just to add: With these type event macros (and macros in general), you may lose
the undo stack.

Jack Sons


Thank you very much, this is the solution.
But .. I am afraid I don't grasp the floating toolbar stuff. Is it possible
to have a custom toolbar in sight - that stays in sight - as soon as the
worksheet (or workbook?) is opened? That has the advantage that one could
have more than one button to use.


Dave Peterson

First, tools|customize|toolbars tab.

Create a new toolbar. Notice that it's initial location is just floating on the
worksheet. You can do that with other toolbars, too. Just grab it (by the grab
handle on the far left) and drag it down to where you want it.

You could do that with any custom toolbar you create. Personally, I like to
load the toolbar so it's floating. It gets the user's attention (since it's in
the way). If they want to dock it at the top/side/bottom, they can.)

Some alternatives:

You could attach a toolbar to a workbook.

If you're going to do that, you'll want to read Jan Karel Pieterse's notes:[email protected]

You could build the toolbar on the fly within that workbook:[email protected]

That link has a link to John Walkenbach's MenuMaker program. It adds items to
the worksheet toolbar.

If the macro is supposed to be used against multiple workbooks, I would try to
separate the macro from the data. Save your macro workbook as an addin (*.xla)
and load that whenever you need it.

Jack said:

Thank you very much, this is the solution.
But .. I am afraid I don't grasp the floating toolbar stuff. Is it possible
to have a custom toolbar in sight - that stays in sight - as soon as the
worksheet (or workbook?) is opened? That has the advantage that one could
have more than one button to use.


Jack Sons


That's it.
Without you and all those others in this NG who are never too tired to
answer stupid or much repeated questions I would be nowhere in Excel land.


Dave Peterson

Glad you got it sorted out.

Jack said:

That's it.
Without you and all those others in this NG who are never too tired to
answer stupid or much repeated questions I would be nowhere in Excel land.


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