LPCSTR marshalling to unmanaged dll


John Lucas

I wish to call an unmanaged function from vb delacred as so:

#define DllExport __declspec(dllexport)
DllExport int WINAPI DllAlcWrite(HANDLE, LPCSTR, int);

I have tried:

Private Declare Ansi Function DllAlcWrite Lib "alcsapi" (ByVal hConn
As Long, ByVal strGWOutgoing As String, ByVal intStringLength As
Integer) As Integer

<VBFixedString(255)> Private strOutgoingBuffer As String
strOutgoingBuffer ="FOO"
intReturn = DllAlcWrite(m_Handle, strOutgoingBuffer, 3)

<DllImport("alcsapi.dll")> _
Private Shared Function DllAlcWrite(ByVal hConn As Long, ByVal
strGWOutgoing As String, ByVal intStringLength As Integer) As Integer
End Function
<VBFixedString(255)> Private strOutgoingBuffer As String
strOutgoingBuffer ="FOO"
intReturn = DllAlcWrite(m_Handle, strOutgoingBuffer, 3)

<DllImport("alcsapi.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi,
CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Private Shared Function DllAlcWrite(ByVal hConn As Long, ByVal
strGWOutgoing As String, ByVal intStringLength As Integer) As Integer
End Function
<VBFixedString(255)> Private strOutgoingBuffer As String
strOutgoingBuffer ="FOO"
intReturn = DllAlcWrite(m_Handle, strOutgoingBuffer, 3)

( i know the handle is long, but it is working for other functions in
this dll)

I have also tried setting the string length (3rd parm)to 255
I am able to call other functions in this dll ok

All of them generate the NullReference exception. Is there a way to
properly marshal LPCSTR?


Mattias Sjögren

( i know the handle is long, but it is working for other functions in
this dll)

Did you mean to say that it isn't a Long? Because it isn't, and you
should replace it with IntPtr or Integer.


John Lucas


It doesn't seem to matter, I still get a nullreference exception with

<DllImport("alcsapi.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi,
CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Private Shared Function DllAlcWrite(ByVal hConn As Long, ByVal
strGWOutgoing As String, ByVal intStringLength As Integer) As Integer
End Function
<DllImport("alcsapi.dll")> _
Private Shared Function DllInitAlc(ByVal Board As Integer, ByVal
lngLine As Integer, _
ByVal GWName As String, ByVal IA As Integer, ByVal TA As Integer) As
End Function

Dim m_handle as IntPtr
m_Handle=DllInitAlc(CInt(lngBoard), CInt(lngLine), strServer,
lngIAHex, lngTAHex)
'(got a non zero handle)

<VBFixedString(255)> Private strOutgoingBuffer As String
strOutgoingBuffer ="FOO"

intReturn = DllAlcWrite(m_Handle, strOutgoingBuffer, 3)

Mattias Sjögren

<DllImport("alcsapi.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi,
CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Private Shared Function DllAlcWrite(ByVal hConn As Long, ByVal
strGWOutgoing As String, ByVal intStringLength As Integer) As Integer
End Function

Did you change anything? hConn is still declared as Long.


Tom Shelton

I wish to call an unmanaged function from vb delacred as so:

#define DllExport __declspec(dllexport)
DllExport int WINAPI DllAlcWrite(HANDLE, LPCSTR, int);

I have tried:

Private Declare Ansi Function DllAlcWrite Lib "alcsapi" (ByVal hConn
As Long, ByVal strGWOutgoing As String, ByVal intStringLength As
Integer) As Integer

Private Declare Ansi Function DllAlcWrite Lib "alcsapi.dll" _
(ByVal hConn As IntPtr, _
ByVal strGWOutgoing As String, _
ByVal intStringLength As Integer) As Integer

' air code :)
Dim buffer As String = new String(vbNullChar, 255)
DllAlcWrite (hConn, buffer, buffer.Length)


John Lucas


That was it! Null termination character.

Here's what I ended up with.

Dim buffer As String
buffer = strSendThis
buffer.PadRight(255, vbNullChar)
intReturn = DllAlcWrite(m_SabreHandle, buffer, buffer.Length)


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