Lost Word



Lost CMC sessions prompted me to try and find a solution.
Not finding a solution that worked prompted me to
uninstall and reinstall Windows ME. Not finding
an "Uninstall" icon prompted me to manually delete
everything I could find including "hidden files" and the
contents of "zippered files". Not being able to re-
install Windows ME prompted me to buy Windows XP which I
could also not install - something to do with dll's and cp-
something files being deleted. Now for my problem...I did
indeed get Windows ME back and updated to Windows XP then
reinstalled my Works Suite 2000 and copied all my
documentation back on computer...but I've lost Word!!! I
cannot live without Word - it's all I've ever used and all
my documents were written in it. Now they are all a mess
under some NotePad programs. How do I get Word back????

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Word is part of Works suite.
Look carefully under Start/Programs.
It may be under Microsoft.
Open all until you find Word.
Otherwise reinstall Works suite being sure Word is selected.


Jupiter -

Thank you so much! I will make this work somehow -
without deleting anything! Have a very good day.


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