Lost Word Document-Need Help!



I was working on an downloaded file from an email and when completing the
word document, I accidentally saved it to the Temp Internet Files Folder and
now can not retreive the document, and it seems that the document could be a
hidden file. Has this ever happened to anyone and/or would you be able to
provide advice?


Hi Jacqueline,

For some strange reason, Microsoft uses hidden folders when opening attached
files within an e-mail message. These folders are hidden even if one
specifically sets the Windows Explorer option to Show Hidden Files and
Folders. You should be able to discover the name of this folder by opening a
message with an attached file (maybe pick a different message, just to be
safe), and then using File > Save As. The current folder will be shown in the
dropdown list. For example, when I open a Word document in Outlook Express
(without first saving it to disk), and then click on File > Save As, I see
the following path:

C:\Documents and Settings\{UserName}\Local Settings\Temporary Internet

However, when I navigate to this folder by clicking on My Computer and
drilling down to here:

C:\Documents and Settings\{UserName}\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

I do not see any indication of a folder named Content.IE5. I can, however,
click on Search and enter *.doc, and find the file in question.

Even stranger, if I open Windows Explorer by pressing the Windows and the E
buttons simultaneously, I see a split view. In this view, I can drill down to
the Temporary Internet Files folder and see the Content.IE5 folder, along
with the D4E3WLIA folder.

I hope this is helpful to you in finding your Word document. Please note
that this newsgroup is dedicated to the Microsoft Access database product.
The Microsoft website is not all that clear and may have misdirected you.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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