Lost Windows Logon Icons



I need assistance/guidance on how to regain my icons from the welcome
screen. I tried various programs to reset the password(if I hit
alt-ctl-del twice i get the user/password)but it states their are no
SAM databases setup!

Help-I tried F8 and safe mode-same thing,I cannot get into windows xp
home to do a system restore or remove welcome screen

Jose :(


I had the exact same thing happen to my Compaq Laptop after an auto-update
from Microsoft ...
So far, I've tried ERD Commander and all of the "Free" software found after
doing a "Google" of the problem ... no luck ...

I ordered a copy of WinReset from the WEB... only 11.99 .... but as
usual ...you get what you pay for .... it did nothing.

I posted an earlier msg asking for help with restoring the SAM database in
both the Registry and files ... but so far no answers.

I'm wondering if its a virus ...since obviously others are having the
same problem...???

So far nothing at Microsoft on the subject ...

Let me know if you fins a solution ... I'll so the same here.

Good Luck!
Herbert :blush:)

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