Lost vertical scroll bar....



Hi all

The scroll bar at the right hand side of my screen has, for some reason,

Any idea why and how I can get it back??

I am working in Print Layout view.

Thank you.



I have the same problem, and I made the change in Tools > Options > View tab.
In fact, I've made the change over and over. How do I make the change


Graham Mayor

Word 2003 has a habit of losing some of the settings in Tools > options on a
regular basis. The easiest way to control it is to use an autoopen and an
autoonew macro in normal.dot containing the following line:

ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True

You can add any other options that may randomly change eg from my own PC, I
set the following which cover the issues that affect my installation - see

Sub AutoNew()
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.DisplayRulers = True
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True
With ActiveWindow.View
.Type = wdPrintView
'.Type = wdNormalView
.Zoom.Percentage = 500
.Zoom.Percentage = 100
.FieldShading = wdFieldShadingWhenSelected
.ShowFieldCodes = False
.DisplayPageBoundaries = True
.ShowDrawings = True
End With
CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = False
CommandBars("Drawing").Visible = False
CommandBars("Forms").Visible = False
End Sub

Sub AutoOpen()
ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveDocument.FullName
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.DisplayRulers = True
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True
With ActiveWindow.View
.Type = wdPrintView
.Zoom.Percentage = 500
.Zoom.Percentage = 100
.FieldShading = wdFieldShadingWhenSelected
.ShowFieldCodes = False
.DisplayPageBoundaries = True
.ShowDrawings = True
End With
End Sub

Sub AutoExec()
CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = False
CommandBars("Drawing").Visible = False
CommandBars("Forms").Visible = False
CommandBars("Mail Merge").Visible = False
Application.OnTime _
When:=Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), Name:="CodesOff"
End Sub

Sub CodesOff()
On Error GoTo oops:
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = False
End Sub

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

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