Lost TOTAL Icon



This is so basic it's embarrassing. I have not used Excel in several years.
I opened the program, typed in my numbers/amounts in a column, choose and
dragged down column for a total - AND, when I looked for the Total Icon, it
wasn't there. I have looked under every topic in tool bar area and cannot
find it. Somepone please assist. THANKS.


right click your tool bar and from the pop up, click customize.
on the customize dialog, click the command tab.
on the left side, click insert.
scroll down to auto sum. click and drag it to whereever you want it.



Hi Bill,

Most likely your two toolbars are on the same row - choose View, Toolbars,
Customize, and on the Options tab turn on or off the show toolbars on one row
option (on or off depending on the version of Excel).


There are two reaon for the ICON not being there.

1) You don't have the Standard Toolbar enabled
from menu View - toolbars - standard

2) ICONs that are not used often excel hides. On the right side of the tool
bar is a grayed area with two arrows. You need to click the arrow and look
in the view to find the ICONs that are missing.


Thank you FSt1... found the icon, highlighted the numbers in the column...
down to the total line and hit the total icon/sum icon. All I got was
=sum/B4/B23, the columns rows and not the total. Can you help? Thanks again


I've tried both methods Fst1 and Joel... all I get is the pirameters of the
column from rows B4 to B23 in the form of: =sum/B4/B23 - not given the total,
just the =sum where the total should be when i click on the sum icon after
isolating the column's rows. Thanks for any help. Bill

Brad Vogt

They syntax is =sum(B4:B23) if you just want to fix it and get on to the next


Thanks Brad,
I don't want the syntax in the cell, I want the total, and only the total is
showing. I hope that's clear... I don't know else how to describe what I'm
trying to get in the total cell... don't want the syntax. Thanks and sorry
for my stupidity. Bill


Hi Shane,

I followed directions... turned off toolbars and still couldn't get a total
for the total cell... then turned them back on and tried again, nothing. Any
other ideas to get a simple total? Thanks, Bill


no i can't. i have never seen this behavior in excel before.
i have a column of numbers B3 to B15. when i auto sum i get =sum(B5:B15)
which is what you should have got also. i tried highlighting as you did with
the same results. i try not high lighting - same results. so now i am at a
loss. wish i could help and i did try. sorry.


Brad Vogt

If you want the total to show up in that cell, then you will need a formula
like the one that I gave you. You may have the workbook in formulas view
which would not show the result but continue to just display "=sum(B5:B12)"

To toggle the formulas view back off, hold the Ctrl key and hit the ` key at
the top left of your Keyboard. When you hit it again it toggles back and

Gord Dibben

These guesses are for 2003 version and earlier.

I assume the Total icon would be the AutoSum icon.

It will be on the Standard Toolbar.

Looks like a sideways M

If you don't have it on that Toolbar maybe it got dragged off.

Go to Tools>Customize>Commands>Insert

Select it and drag back to Toolbar.

If you are talking about the Sum, Count etc. functions on the Status Bar,
right-click the Status bar and select "Sum"

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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