Lost Icons After Upgrade to W2K


Len Paryl

Upgraded Windows 98SE system to Windows 2000 Professional.
After the upgrade three Icons were missing from their
Desktop system components:

a) My Computer
b) My Network Places
c) Norton Protected Recycle Bin

I found the following files that contained the Icons for
a & b above:

I. My Computer (C:\winnt\explorer.exe)
II. My Network Places (C:\winnt\system32\shell32.dll)

The question is how do I get the Icons in these files to
display on the desktop for "My Computer" and "My Network

Anyone have some ideas or know the answer?

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Len Paryl

Len Paryl

I Wanted to update this problem by giving some
information I left out.

The following three Icons have the standard
"Windows" Icon displayed in place of their correct

a) My Computer
b) My Network Places
c) Norton Protected Recycle Bin

Each of the 3 Icons work correctly when Left clicked
or Right clicked. Just the correct Icons are missing.

Hope someone can help. Thanks very much.

Len Paryl

Daniel Chang [MSFT]


Please let us know if the following works for you.
a. Right-click an empty area of the desktop, and then

click "Properties".

b. Click the "Effects" tab.

c. In the "Desktop icons" box, click each

icon that you want to restore to the default icon, and then click

"Default Icon".

d. Click "OK".

Daniel Chang
Server Setup Team

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Len Paryl


Sorry for the delay. I just got back to this post.
I will try your suggestion tonight and will respond
to you right after that.

Thank you very much.

Len Paryl

Len Paryl


I followed your instructions as follows:

1. Right-clicked on an empty area of the desktop
2. Clicked "Properties"
3. Clicked the "Effects" tab

The first thing I noticed was that each of the three
Icons (My Computer, My Network Places, & Norton Protected
Recycle Bin) had the Windows Icon in place of their
normal Icons. So I highlighted "My Computer" then clicked
on "Default Icon" and that restored the correct Icon to
"My Computer" in the "Desktop Icons" box. I then clicked
"Apply" and it also restored the Icon on the desktop.

You were correct! I then restored the remaining two Icons
and all was well.

Thank you very much for your great solution and the time
you took to present it to me.

Len Paryl

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