Lost CD-ROM and DVD drives after installing XP. How recover?



Installed XP over Win98 SE. Recurrent issue with modem every time I installed an upgrade or new program in the first few days of having XP - I kept having to reinstall the modem as it would no longer be present after a system change

Stopped using PC for a few weeks. Started it back up - and I've no CD-ROM or DVD drives. Have power into DVD (ie can open drawer), but the PC won't read any disk as being present. The CD looks completely dead (ie can't open drawer)

I've uninstalled XP, but the system under 98SE still shows no CD or DVD drives. So the uninstallation has not completely reverted to my pre-XP system (hardware) profile

Any ideas as to how I can get my CD and DVD drives back up and running properly

All help appreciated - I'm not a PC geek, just an average level user who's more comfortable with software than hardware issues

Thanks for any help.



(For XP only

Try run regedit
Care: Use export to backup the registry before doing any change for just in case

Mark Ferguson MVP wrote

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\ {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318

Highlight the CDRom Drive Key(s), delete the Values "UpperFilters" and/or "LowerFilters

Open Device Manager (Winkey-Break, or start/run, type 'sysdm.cpl / Hardware Tab

Remove the entry for the cd device(s), then restart

If you are uncomfortable with registry editing, the following will accomplish the same..

Goto http://www.aumha.org/a/xpcd.php#problem
See the second "problem" (read the caveats
Run the provided registry patc

That should fix your problem (basically, a filter driver is missing or non-operational, the registry patch will delete the filter drivers references for your cdrom(s)

Basically, the reg file from above carries out the steps displayed at this websit

CD-ROM Access Is Missing and Messages Cite Error Code 31, Code 32, Code 19, or Code 39 After You Remove Easy CD Creator in Windows X

BTW, the best way to install XP and ensure it to work properly is to perform a clean install
I would suggest you to backup the important data files and then boot from the XP CD and select delete the existing OS
Let XP format the HDD and clean install of XP


----- Damie wrote: ----

Installed XP over Win98 SE. Recurrent issue with modem every time I installed an upgrade or new program in the first few days of having XP - I kept having to reinstall the modem as it would no longer be present after a system change

Stopped using PC for a few weeks. Started it back up - and I've no CD-ROM or DVD drives. Have power into DVD (ie can open drawer), but the PC won't read any disk as being present. The CD looks completely dead (ie can't open drawer)

I've uninstalled XP, but the system under 98SE still shows no CD or DVD drives. So the uninstallation has not completely reverted to my pre-XP system (hardware) profile

Any ideas as to how I can get my CD and DVD drives back up and running properly

All help appreciated - I'm not a PC geek, just an average level user who's more comfortable with software than hardware issues

Thanks for any help.

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