Looping Thru Objects in UserForms



Need a little help trying to loop through objects on a form. I have say,
10 checkboxes and a ComboBox on a UserForm and based on ComboBox selection
(1-10) I want to make visible = false any chekbox over that value. I can
do this individually but would like to loop through each one as I have many
sets. The Checkbox Names are "C1" thru "C10". I was hoping to
loop/increment throught the Number portion "C x". I can do this looping in
Cells, but not in UserForms. I tried the "Evaluate" but could never get it
correct. I do this in javascript using eval but can't figure this out in
VB. Thanks, Rob

Jake Marx

Hi RobC,

Something like this should work:

Private Sub cboTest_Change()
Dim ctl As Control

On Error Resume Next
For Each ctl In Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
ctl.Visible = (CInt(Mid$(ctl.Name, 2)) _
<= CInt(cboTest.Text))
End If
Next ctl
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub


Jake Marx
MS MVP - Excel

[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

Bob Phillips

Dim ctl As msforms.Control

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If Left(ctl.Name, 8) = "CheckBox" Then
If Val(Right(ctl.Name, 2)) > 9 Then
ctl.Value = False
End If
End If
Next ctl



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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