loop through textboxes only




Use the following code to loop through controls on a userform

Sub ReadAllTextboxes()

Dim formControl As Control

For Each formControl In UserForm1

If TypeName(formControl ) = "TextBox" Then

. . . Your Code Here To Test Value

End If

Next formControl

End Sub

This should work for you

marwan hefnawy

I have many textboxes in my userform and the userform contains other
controls such as labels ,option buttons and commandbuttons.
I want to read the value of each of my textboxes then decide the Backcolor
of each of them depending on its value.
Thats OK for me, but the problem is that I have to write some lines of code
for each textbox like that

if textbox1.value=.... then textbox1.backcolor=......
if textbox2.value=.... then textbox2.backcolor=......

Is there a way to loop through my textboxes to shorten my code?


for each textbox in userform1.textboxes
if textbox.value=....... then textbox.backcolor=...

there is no such a collection as far as I know.

Any suggestions?


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