Lookup using more than one criteria




I have a large table of data relating to staff and their salary for the
month (about 500 rows). Each member of staff is coded against a cost centre,
and some members of staff have two jobs and therefore work against two
different cost centres.
I want to be able to do a vlookup to pull the pay for the month accross to a
monitoring sheet. But i need to be able to vlookup on cost centre and
If i just do a vlookup on employee then it will obviously sometimes bring
accross the pay from the wrong cost centre.

Table is eg.:

Cost Centre Employee ref Basic Pay April
L3840 J Bloggs £1,000
L3840 J Smith £500
L0060 P Jones £800
L0060 J Bloggs £300

So i need to say lookup J Bloggs in cost centre L3840 and bring me their pay
for April??


Thanks everyone!


If your table occupies columns A to C, then highlight column C and
Insert | Column so that you have a new column C. You can add the
heading CC_Empref in C1 if you like, and in C2 add this formula:


and copy this down your 500 rows. Assume this sheet is called Salaries.

In your monitoring sheet, assuming you also have a Cost Centre and an
Employee ref column (assume A and B again), then you can build up your
VLOOKUP( ) formula as follows:


and then copy this down.

Hope this helps.



Thanks Ardus. This works but is there a way that instead of having to type
each formula "J Bloggs" (as there are loads of employees!) that i can link it
to the cell in the monitoring sheet that says J Bloggs? Then i could just
copy the formula all the way down the page instead of typing each one.

Ardus Petus

Say you have "J Bloggs" in D1 and "L3840" in E1:


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