Lookup - not sorted?



I need to lookup values in an array, but my data is not sorted in any order.
We use unique identifiers but they are not always in any kind of order, and
it would not be useful to us to use them in ascending or descending order.
How can I lookup the "Original Body Text" in one sheet and paste into another
using the GUID as my ID?

GUID Original Body Text
L2-ME-9468039 Adding a new Neighborhood record...
L2-ME-9755815 In Pathways, Neighborhood records ...


Your data does not need to be sorted if it is an exact match you are looking
for. Use VLOOKUP() and specify FALSE for [range_lookup]. For example:

=VLOOKUP("L2-ME-9468039",<your table range>,2,FALSE)


Your data does not need to be sorted if it is an exact match you are looking
for. Use VLOOKUP() and specify FALSE for [range_lookup]. For example:

=VLOOKUP("L2-ME-9468039",<your table range>,2,FALSE)

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