lookup function to ignore blanks



I have 2 worksheets. List and Main. List takes data from other worksheets
to calculate totals for various diciplines. there are 7 disciplines each
with the same three rating subjects. Each of these discipline ratings are
set to a company in the list.

Company Name Art
Quality Cost Value
Company A Good Average Poor

What I want to do is to move the info to another sheet, changing the format
and only showing the disciplines/compnaies that have been rated.

So, If Company A has been rated for Art and Audio but not Hats the following
is shown in the"Main" sheet:

Company Name Discipline Quality Cost Value
Company A Art Good Good
Company A Audio Poor Poor

Obviously there are more companies and disciplines available. the list of
companies and disciplines can be updated thererfore I cannot have a fixed
list to check on.



Did you try the solution I suggested to your other (similar) post
yesterday? Can you not adapt the ideas from that?


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