Lookup Function in Macro (VBA)




I am trying to 'Record a Macro' in the new Excel 2007 that includes the
LOOKUP Function. However, when I finish recording and try to run it, I get
errors. From what I understand, it is because it has a "{" in the formula.
However, that's just how it is entered. (basically, i want it to look in the
specified cell and place the corresponding value in the selected cell)

Does anyone have a solution to this so that the Macro will run?


Here is the idea of the LOOKUP...

Bernie Deitrick

All right smart guy,

If you are trying to add the formula to a cell:

ActiveCell.Formula = _

IF you are trying to get the value of that formula:

Dim myVar As String
myVar = Application.WorksheetFunction.Lookup(Range("I2").Value, _
Array("1", "3", "5"), Array("help", "this", "the"))

Note that the formula is looking for the string value 1 and not the number 1
in cell I2.

MS Excel MVP

Jacob Skaria

Somthing like this...Try and feedback..

Dim arrLookup As Variant
Dim arrResult As Variant

arrLookup = Array("1", "3", "5")
arrResult = Array("help", "this", "the")
MsgBox WorksheetFunction.Lookup("5", arrLookup, arrResult)

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