lookup for worksheet



Each worksheet is named for a month plus a data sheet and a roll-up sheet.
each month is just data with expenses of each project.

In the Roll-Up sheet I would like to pull information from one month at a
time using a lookup formula of the worksheet's name. BTW - on the roll-up
sheet I have a drop-down of the months.

My question is how do I write a formula that calculates the specific month I
choose and then returns the data from the matching worksheet? Using a
standard lookup function with variable worksheets returns an error message.


How about using the INDIRECT FORMULA? On your rollup sheet, say if your
months get populated on cell B2. Then on C2 this formula will look up the
month name on B2, then it will find the matching month on the sheets tabs.
Then it will sum up the expenses on column A (adjust to match your ranges).
All the monthssheets have to have the same range (like A3:A100) for example.


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