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I have the following table

Name Date Amount
Anemi Test 31-Dec-11 500
Apnea 1 31-Dec-11 300
NB 1 Panamax 31-Dec-13 275
NB 2 Supramax 15-Nov-11 300
Anemi Test 19 Nov 11 123
Anemi Test 30-Nov-11 200
Anemi Test 31-Dec-11 75

I also have a Starting Date which say in this first instance is 1 Jan 12.
I want to find and SUM the value for each item nearest to the starting date.
In the above the result for Anemi Test would be 375, the SUM for NB 2
Supramax would be 300 and so on. If I were to make the starting date 1 Dec 11
then the result for Anemi Test would be 200 and for NB 2 Supramax would again
be 300.

Thanks in advance/sgl

Jarek Kujawa

say yr data is in A1:C7
product (i.e. Anemi Test) being in E1
1 Dec 11 in F1

would this:


be helpful?
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER this formula as this is an array-formula

Jarek Kujawa

or simpler:



Ashish Mathur


You may use this array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter). D26 will hold Anemi Test
and E26 will hold 1 Jan 12


I have feeling that I have complicated the solution. I am sure there is an
easier non-array formula solution available as well. Nevertheless this
solution will work for you.

By the way the first answer should be 575 and not 375.


Ashish Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP

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