Looking for Text strings



I lost all my data and have to redo my home spreadsheet, but It's been awhile
since I made it and I have forgotten some of my formulas. I need a simple one
tho. On my input page column A I list the amounts. In column B I use a text
code for the vender i.e.

Column A Column B
$42.00 WM
$59.00 SW

Now what I need is the formula that will place the amount on my data sheet
depending on the "WM" or "SW" text codes like so.

Wal-mart Safeway
$42.00 $59.00

I had my last workbook set up this way but I haven't worked with formulas in
a long time and my mind isn't as sharp as it once was. Thanks in advance for
the help.

Luke M

Additional example data might be helpful, but my first guess would be that
you want to use the SUMIF function.


Luke is correct. Your formula might look like this:

for Safeway:



That helps a lot. That's what I was looking for almost. I wanted it to look
for certain letters and put the amount in the right cells. But with this
formula if it doesn't find the code then it leaves a $0.00. How do I get it
to just leave the cell empty if that certain code isn't there.

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