Looking for help/resources on Writing a nice detailed design / tech design for vb.net code



I'm looking for an example of a detailed design that I can follow or
get ideas from before programming in vb.net.

Currently, I'm using this outline approach that describes my Project,
Classes, Methods, properties etc and it goes something like this...

I. Project: ProjectName
A. Class: ClassName
1. New Method: MethodName
a. Method Description: Explain method purpose
b. Parameter passed in
c. values returned
2. Properties:
a. Property1 name & type
a. Property2 name & type

I would like to see an example of something more formal for
documenting oo code with out going the UML route. Do you guys have any
suggestions where I can find something on the internet?

References to books I've seen all discuss higher level documentation
for architects. I just want to do straight forward design for my
managers for the components I'm assigned.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.



Nothing's wrong with it to design a complete architecture but what if
I just want to design a few classes with a few methods in them. I
seems too high level. You know what I mean?

Maybe I haven't seen a decent example of it used for what I need. Do
you have any links to sample designs?

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