looking for Christmas card record spreadsheet



I am looking for a spreadsheet template to record Christmas cards sent every
year. Would be grateful for any suggestions


Bill, unless you are looking for something special, it's easy to create your
own. You could use one worksheet for each year if you like, or put your list
on one sheet and put the year sent in extra columns so you could see how many
years they've been on your list.

You can turn your list into a mailing label list for the next year, or other
occassions (somehow printed labels don't seem very personal at Christmas
time) by using a column for each part of the names (first, middle, last),
street, city, state and zip. That makes the list easy to use in Word as a
mail merge data source.

Now if you really want to get kind of fancy and have a scanner available,
you could even scan the card you send to each and put a link to the graphic
file of it along with the names. That way, if you're like me and end up
buying several boxes each year but not using all of any of them, next year
you can use the extras and send them to people who haven't seen them yet.

Don Guillett

Just make a list in col A and in col B put 2006 as the header. Put in an X.
Next year add a column and do the same.


You're welcome, and thanks for the feedback.

I should mention that if you plan on using the list as a data source for
mail merging in the future, your first row should contain labels to identify
what is in each column like:
LName FName MI Street City State Zip

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