Looking for an ActiveX Control


David C. Holley

Does anyone know if there's an ActiveX Control that can be used which
visually groups records by a certain criteria but provides more
information than a TreeView? I'm thinking more of a control that
displays data in the same manner as a continuous form, but adds in a
grouping level breaking up the data. I'd like to display the data in a
manner below, but where the various date, description, status, etc
appear in fields that can be edited just like a form.

-[David C. Holley]
12/1/2005 OIA-Portofino Completed Paid
12/2/2005 OIA-Peabody Hotel Completed Unpaid
+[John Madison]
+[David Newton]
-[Doreen Bell]
11/10/2005 Portofino-OIA Completed Unpaid
11/10/2005 Portofino-Peabody Cancelled Paid
11/20/2005 Peabody-Miami Cancelled Unpaid

Where the +/- will expand/collapse the underlying records and the values
in brackets represent the parent record to the childs. For those of you
with Outlook 2003, I'm thinking of a control similar to the design of
the inbox which breaks up mail messages by date.

David C. Holley

ARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! The sound of agony over starting over - or suddenly
turing a corner and coming face-to-face with Martha Stewart. (I'm liking
the alternate TreeView control.)

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