LOOK!~messenger5.0468 may have bugs in file transfer



Hi Jonathan Kay,

Could help me to verify this is a bug or not!

After our testing,it happened only on file transfer(not Whiteboard...etc).
Two pc was behind NAT,and one is UPnP enabled,the other is using ALG(not
They were both having Win XP SP2,windows messenger5.0468.
And now ,the one using ALG invite the other to ready to receive a file,this
situation will failed,but in opposite way (UPnP invite ALG) it became
And during the testing(failed one),we captured packets and we found that the
UPnP side windows messenger sent the wrong source IP private IP (like

If you have the same problem,please please please let me know by posting
article here.

Jonathan Kay [MVP]


Windows Messenger will first attempt to connect to the person sending the file first (so the
user on the ALG in your scenario), regardless of what IP the UPnP side is sending. I think
you'll find if you send to others using the ALG side, you'll get more failed transfers
whereas the UPnP side will not.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.


Hi Jonathan Kay ,
Thank you for answering my question^^,
but I still have lots of confusion ,
1.I don`t really understand the meaning of
"Windows Messenger will first attempt to connect to the person sending the
file first ,regardless of what IP the UPnP side is sending" you said,
2.In my failed case,
once the UPnP side sending an agreement allowing the file coming in ,
this agreement is sending the wrong source IP(private)
which provides the ALG side a new way to transfer the file (with port
**when a UPnP side sends a file to a ALG side,it will be no problem at all.
**Also,in my failed case situation,if we switch to use other
features(whitboard...etc),it will be no problem at all either.

Really thanks to help me,looking forward ur reply.


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