long time between typed username and password and next window showing up



Hi, just bought Dell 600m, 1400 Mhz, 512 Mhz memory, 60 GB

After OS system had been upgraded from home version to XP pro, and my computer can log in a school domain, the time between typing username and password and next window (loading personal setting) becoms much longer.

Could somebody give me some hints? Thanks.


Are you logging into the domain every time

If so that could be the reason for the delay. Try logging in localy and see if it speeds up the log in process any

Some other things would be to temporarily turn off startup programs via the MSConfig. Type "msconfig" at the run command and select "selective startup" and then turn of "load startup items". This should only be used as a temporary test to see if it helps.


When your computer is connected to a network, booting up Windows XP can take
a long time.

A big part of this time is taking up by updating the group policies.

This tweak lets you log on before this process is finished. Because of this,
booting up is much faster.

Speedup Network Logon/Boot (Line 79)




In fact, i tried your program even before i posted the message here. It did not help much. I do not know why.


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