long number ends in 000

  • Thread starter justanotherdayatwork
  • Start date


Simple Question: when typing a long number in Excel (exceeding 15
characters), the last last numbers automatically turn to 0 (like in a ROUND
formula). I know this can be avoided by changing the number to text (eg by
inserting space or letter somewhere between the numbers) but because in this
case it's many other users who input the numbers, unaware of the bug, I
really need a way for them to be able to do so without having the right end
always change to "0" automatically...
any tips ?

Jarek Kujawa

this happens when Excel's max precision is exceeded - which is exactly
15 places
one way is to store it as text preceded by a single ' (apostrophe)

Niek Otten

Format the cells as text before entering the numbers

BTW it's not a bug; it is the limit of Excel's precision; 15 decimal digits

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