Login to secure webpage using system.net.webclient




I have the code below that I am using to login to my remote webpage.

The problem is that it seems to not post the data. I have heard that
ViewState can be a problem and that it may be necessary to retrieve the
ViewState field and Post it with the data, i have attempted test this by
copying the viewstate text out of the source and into the start of the
variable strPostData - as you can see commented out.

I am unsure why I do not get forwarded from the adminlogin.aspx page after
posting the data, could this be the viewstate or another issue?

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Dim strURL As String
Dim strPostData As String

Dim byteResponse() As Byte

Dim i As Integer

Dim strViewState As String

strURL = strHttpLocation & "adminlogin.aspx"

strPostData =

'strPostData =



byteResponse = gobjWebClient.UploadData(strURL, "POST",

TextBox1.Text = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteResponse)

Ken Tucker [MVP]




I have the code below that I am using to login to my remote webpage.

The problem is that it seems to not post the data. I have heard that
ViewState can be a problem and that it may be necessary to retrieve the
ViewState field and Post it with the data, i have attempted test this by
copying the viewstate text out of the source and into the start of the
variable strPostData - as you can see commented out.

I am unsure why I do not get forwarded from the adminlogin.aspx page after
posting the data, could this be the viewstate or another issue?

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Dim strURL As String
Dim strPostData As String

Dim byteResponse() As Byte

Dim i As Integer

Dim strViewState As String

strURL = strHttpLocation & "adminlogin.aspx"

strPostData =

'strPostData =



byteResponse = gobjWebClient.UploadData(strURL, "POST",

TextBox1.Text = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteResponse)

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