login script issue



I have the following in my batch file for users:

start /b "MS Word" "c:\program files\..\winword.exe"

This works great for morning messages from the Boss to the rest of the
users. I have the permissions set up as read & Excute for everyone but the
owner of the file. That user has full control.

My issue is that this file needs to be updated through out the day, for the
next days messages, by the owner and he can't if someone has left that
document open on their PC. He can only open a "read only" copy ...

Please help!

Danny Sanders

This would fall under "user training".

Most users "get it" after the boss explains it to them "the second time".

Sounds like the boss is already on your side with this so take advantage of


John John

In the script you could put a Copy commnand and copy the file to the
users' folders then have the start /b command open the second (copied)
file. That way the original file will always be free. To avoid being
asked confirmation to overwrite the file put the appropriate switch in
the copy command or begin the batch file with a del command on the
users' copied file in their personal directories.


John John

copy "c:\bossesfolder\dayly slavedriving\orders.doc" "%userprofile%\to
do list\ignorelist.doc" /y

If the /y switch doesn't work or if you prefer to delete the file copied
at the last login then just preceed the command with this command:

del "%userprofile%\to do list\ignorelist.doc" /y

After the above commands have the word processor open ignorelist.doc


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