Login Problems



I tried to start the internet up and it wouldnt start up so i restarted my
computer to see if this would solve it, but as it started it back up a login
window come up, in which never happens usually. In the Username part it has
Administer typed in and the password is empty (I do not know the password and
have never put a password on), when i press ok without a password entered,
the computer starts to come on and my desktop wallpaper comes up. But after
about 20 seconds the computer restarts and does this all over again.
Dell GX270
Celeron 2.4ghz
Can someone please help, Thanks !!!


Please post a copy of the Stop Error Report.

Disable automatic restart on system failure. This should help by
allowing time to write down the STOP code properly. Right click on
the My Computer icon on the Desktop and select Properties, Advanced,
Start-Up and Recovery, System Failure and uncheck box before
Automatically Restart.

Do not re-enable automatic restart on system failure until you have
resolved the problem. Check for variants of the Stop Error message.

An alternative is to keep pressing the F8 key during Start-Up and select
option - Disable automatic restart on system failure.

If you are using a wireless keyboard and the F8 key does not work
substitute a wired keyboard and mouse for this exercise only.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


Gerry said:
Please post a copy of the Stop Error Report.

Disable automatic restart on system failure. This should help by
allowing time to write down the STOP code properly. Right click on
the My Computer icon on the Desktop and select Properties, Advanced,
Start-Up and Recovery, System Failure and uncheck box before
Automatically Restart.

Do not re-enable automatic restart on system failure until you have
resolved the problem. Check for variants of the Stop Error message.

An alternative is to keep pressing the F8 key during Start-Up and select
option - Disable automatic restart on system failure.

If you are using a wireless keyboard and the F8 key does not work
substitute a wired keyboard and mouse for this exercise only.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
I Pressed the F8 button and pressed Disable automatic restart on system
failure, it stayed on a bit longer then the screen went blue and had
''Stop:Cooo21a{Fatal System Error}'' typed on it. Ive contacted the person i
had the computer off and he said its a virus and needs to have windows
reinstalled. Could this be the case?
Please let me know, Thanks



Background information on Stop Error message

This occurs when Windows switches into kernel mode and a user-mode
subsystem, such as Winlogon or the Client Server Runtime Subsystem
(CSRSS), is compromised. Security can no longer be guaranteed. Because
Win XP can't run without Winlogon or CSRSS, this is one of the few
situations where the failure of a user-mode service can cause the system
to stop responding. This Stop message also can occur as a result of
malware infestation or when the computer is restarted after a system
administrator has modified permissions so that the SYSTEM account no
longer has adequate permissions to access system files and folders.
Source: http://aumha.org/a/stop.htm

What seller told you is possibly true. What were you provided with in
terms of XP disks? Does the system disk include SP2. Were you provided
with any other disks, which might contain third party drivers?


The key combinations here may offer opportunities:

Advice on reinstalling Windows XP

There is quite a bit to absorb in the above so I will leave you to it.
Come back with any questions and I will try to help.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


Gerry said:

Background information on Stop Error message

This occurs when Windows switches into kernel mode and a user-mode
subsystem, such as Winlogon or the Client Server Runtime Subsystem
(CSRSS), is compromised. Security can no longer be guaranteed. Because
Win XP can't run without Winlogon or CSRSS, this is one of the few
situations where the failure of a user-mode service can cause the system
to stop responding. This Stop message also can occur as a result of
malware infestation or when the computer is restarted after a system
administrator has modified permissions so that the SYSTEM account no
longer has adequate permissions to access system files and folders.
Source: http://aumha.org/a/stop.htm

What seller told you is possibly true. What were you provided with in
terms of XP disks? Does the system disk include SP2. Were you provided
with any other disks, which might contain third party drivers?


The key combinations here may offer opportunities:

Advice on reinstalling Windows XP

The seller didnt provide any disks with the computer but he said he would
Reinstall it for me (For £30), ill go and have it done tommorow than. Hope it
works because its starting to do my head in. Thanks for the Info

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