Login missing



Hi People,

I have had to re-install my copy of Vista Home Premium, now after installing
the drivers and finally getting the updates from the internet for vista, I
have a slight problem.

During booting up, the window with the lovely green vista colours appears
but.... the login window/ User is missing.... how do I get it back????

If I enter in safety mode it works perfectly, I just cant find the


Thanks in advance



Thanks Steo, but it didn't make any difference. Icreated 3 new accounts and
gave them all passwords as well...
Like I said, the funny thing is, in safe mode it works perfecly...



My Vista Ultimate 32 just developed the same problem following the September
9 patch Tuesday updates. I asssume there is a connection.

The welcome screen is wallpaper only -- no user names, pictures or password
box. The accesibilty and shutdown buttons are also missing

If I stare at the screeen long enough, I occasionally see my picture, name
and the password box blink on for a few milliseconds. I don't think it is
simply invisible though, because I can't log in typing blind. My guess is
there is some proces that is causing the login box to loose focus.

I hope my observations will give you more information to work with. I won't
have time to pursue a solution until the weekend. Interestingly, I can log
in with Remote Desktop (an option you don't have with Vista Home), so I
should be able to kill the offending process and thereby identify it. My
workaround for the time being is to use AutoAdminLogon to bypass the Welcome

Good luck,


Hi People

Thanks for the words of advice... I finally got fed up with trying and
failing and re-installed vista from scratch... wow the updates!!!!!!!!!

Now everything is working as it should do! and everything is installed so my
PC is in the samestate as it was before the crash/update! ;-)


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