login failed for user \aspnet



I am new to MSDE 2000. Installed this yesterday using windows
installer, deafult settings(no change in authentication).

a. I want to create database and tabels in MSDE. How do I do this? (I
managed to do this through .net web application using server explorer
but is there any other way to do this? Where can I get enterprise
manager? Can I use it after 120 days evalutaion?

b. Once that I have created database and a table with windoes
authentication, I am trying to retrieve data from that table via .net
web application using sqlasoadaper and dataset. but I am getting Login
failed for user computername\aspnet. I have given administrator rights
to aspnat account using computer management. I have also added a line

<identity impersonate="true" />

to my web.config file.
after adding this line I get following error.

login failure for user computername\IUSR_name

Can anyone help me at all?

many thanks in advance.

Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck

Hey PA :)

It's a real pain to work with MSDE without the enterprise manager to help
you out. I went through the same hassle you are facing right now. I created
the tables through visual interdev, but when i got the login faliure i had
to use command line tools for setting up the right permissions on the

If you're using windows authentication:
osql -E -S \\machinename\\VSdotNET (if VSdotNET is the instance name you're
using - it's default for .net projets - it can be omitted to use the default
If you enabled clear text (i think you need that to apply the path that will
stop the slammer dos attack - but you can still continue to use windows

from there you need to assign the permissions needed with some stored
procedures. I don't remember the names (not too hard to find on msdn though)
You need to do the following (i don't know the syntax from the top of my
head - i'm normally an enterprise manager user ;)
1) GRANT LOGIN to the user.
2) add persmissions to datareader and datawriter if you need that
3) make sure the user does not have denydatareader etc.

Oh yeah remember to "use yourdatabasename" first so you're setting
permissions on the right database! (I forgot my first try so it still didn't
work ;)

Good luck!

William \(Bill\) Vaughn

I would recommend getting one of the free toolsets available or simply buy
the $49 SQL Server Developer Edition which has the tools built in. See my
website for details on the free tools. (Use at your own risk)

Bill Vaughn
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