Login Failed error using Crystal


Paul M.

we have a asp (vb) .net www app which use crystal reports to produce
output from a sqlserver 2000 database. The asp pages work fine up to the
point where it is required to generate a crystal report. Before this point
it has queried the database and populated listboxes on an asp .net page so
its not a datbase issue. The error we get is:
Exception Details:
Logon failed.

(more stuff removed)

IIS & SQLServer are on the same server
If I use the same code but have it on my desktop pc and use the IIS there it
works fine pointing at the SQLServer sitting on the server
Permissions appear to be OK
Server = Windows 2002 Server OS
Desktop = Windows 2000 Pro

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Paul Glavich

I had heaps of problems with Crystal of a similar nature. How have you
defined your connection string? Do you have the user id/pwd in there, or are
you using integrated and do you have the 'Provider' element in the
connection string for crystal?

Paul M.

My server guy got it to work by putting the admin user/pwd in the
machine.config file, we are using anonymous authentication and all the
details about server,db,usr,pwd are passed at run time when calling the
report. However now we have to "peel" back its permissions as running as
network admin is not a good idea!

Paul M

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