Logging Out Immediatly



Have a messed WinXP!!
It has become next to impossible to even work on it as when entering
Safe Mode it will imeediatly log out!! One the very rare occasion it
will boot into Windows normally it will immediatly log out!
To describe everything else would take several pages but I am hoping
this one little snippet might prompt someone here to say: "All you
have to do is..."

(The one other major proble is that it will not boot up to CD!! I had
hope to run the recovery Console or at least to wipe the disk clean
and reinstall but neither CD will boot. Unless an external USB CD will
work it doesn't look good!)

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Chull13 said:
Have a messed WinXP!!
It has become next to impossible to even work on it as when entering
Safe Mode it will imeediatly log out!! One the very rare occasion it
will boot into Windows normally it will immediatly log out!
To describe everything else would take several pages but I am hoping
this one little snippet might prompt someone here to say: "All you
have to do is..."

(The one other major proble is that it will not boot up to CD!! I had
hope to run the recovery Console or at least to wipe the disk clean
and reinstall but neither CD will boot. Unless an external USB CD will
work it doesn't look good!)

You write "when entering Safe Mode it will imeediatly log out!!". Try
working in Normal Mode, then use System Restore to return your installation
to a stable point. If this does not work either, try a manual System
Restore - see here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307545.


Thanks for getting back, but...
It does the same thing in Nornal Mode and so far I have been unable to
get to a command promt to do a registry restore.
When evey trying to start with Safe Mode with Command Prompt it goes
into a 'normal' safe mode and then immediatly logs out!
Can't boot to CD or floppy!
Just Fun!!
But thanks anyway.
Since I am too tired of this thing to really spell out it problems I
know that I probably will not be able to get help here.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

To get into the Recovery Console, you need to boot your machine with your

To boot a machine from a CD, you must get into the BIOS setup and mark the
CD drive as the primary boot device.

To get into the BIOS setup you need to press a certain key at boot time. It
is often the Delete key but it could be some other key too. You need to read
the manual that came with your PC if you don't know what key it is.

If this is outside your field of experience then your best bet is to ask a
suitably qualified person to assist you. A "Manual System Restore" is not
exactly for beginners.

The Real Truth MVP

Download my new userinit fix from here
http://pcbutts1.com/downloads/userinitfix.zip this file will only work for
SP2. READ the enclosed instructions. If you have SP1 or SP3 do not use this
file. If you need another version then email me using the link at the bottom
of my webpage http://pcbutts1.com/downloads/tools/tools.htm. Your issue is
caused by a malware infestation. Once fixed you will need to use my
Remove-it software, it will remove that malware from your system. Choose yes
for all options when prompted. Download it here

The Real Truth http://pcbutts1-therealtruth.blogspot.com/
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.


*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

Chris, Stalking on the internet is a crime, you are warned that you will
be reported to your providers if you continue.

Learn more about Butt's lack of ethics and obsessions in the links

Leythos - (e-mail address removed) (remove 999 to email me)
Public Service Warning: Learn about PCButts before you trust:


Been there done that 534 times!!
Actually rather than waste the time to change the boot order in BIOS I
just did the old Dell F12 thing 522 times to chose boot device - CD.
Then I decided to see if it would be any different (knowing it
wouldn't) if I did change the boot order to CD 1st, thus the last 11
(The Facts are true but the numbers may be a tad exagerated :)
Actually the only thing the diganostics did show was that the CD could
not read digital data from the inserted CD and it was the XP SP2 CD.
So not sure if the CD and/or CD Drive is coincedntially not working or
part of a larger problem!


Well - I will say that my work system does specificly have his site
Think that means anything...?

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Been there done that 534 times!!
Actually rather than waste the time to change the boot order in BIOS I
just did the old Dell F12 thing 522 times to chose boot device - CD.
Then I decided to see if it would be any different (knowing it
wouldn't) if I did change the boot order to CD 1st, thus the last 11
(The Facts are true but the numbers may be a tad exagerated :)
Actually the only thing the diganostics did show was that the CD could
not read digital data from the inserted CD and it was the XP SP2 CD.
So not sure if the CD and/or CD Drive is coincedntially not working or
part of a larger problem!


If a fact is not true then it isn't a fact . . .

Since your machine cannot read your WinXP CD your first step must be to
resolve this issue. It is not related to Windows but to your hardware. I can
see two options:
a) Get a replacement CD. It might be flawed.
b) Replace your CD drive. It might be defective.
When dealing with option b) then a hardware newsgroup would be a far more
appropriate place to seek trouble-shooting advice.

The Real Truth MVP

Means nothing, check your email.

The Real Truth http://pcbutts1-therealtruth.blogspot.com/
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

Well - I will say that my work system does specificly have his site
Think that means anything...?


*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

Chris, Stalking on the internet is a crime, you are warned that you will
be reported to your providers if you continue.

Learn more about Butt's lack of ethics and obsessions in the links

Leythos - (e-mail address removed) (remove 999 to email me)
Public Service Warning: Learn about PCButts before you trust:


Well - I will say that my work system does specificly have his site
Think that means anything...?

Sure - many sites block suspicious or disreputable sites.

There is nothing on his website that you can't find on reputable sites
by the authors of the tools that he claims are his.

All you have to do is look through his history, the filth he's made on
his websites, the fact that he proudly posted links to that filth in
these groups - that should be enough to warn anyone away from him and
anything he suggests.

Leythos - (e-mail address removed) (remove 999 to email me)
Public Service Warning: Learn about PCButts before you trust:


You are a bold faced liar and MVP imposter. All the people you list are
respected help givers and are wise to you.
The Real Truth MVP said:
Means nothing, check your email.

The Real Truth http://pcbutts1-therealtruth.blogspot.com/
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not
waste your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

Well - I will say that my work system does specificly have his site
Think that means anything...?

David H. Lipman

From: "Chull13" <[email protected]>

| Well - I will say that my work system does specificly have his site
| blocked.
| Think that means anything...?

Yes !

You'll find even US Gov't. NOSC's block the PCBUTTS1.COM domain !

For multiple reasons including hosting pornography.


If a fact is not true then it isn't a fact . . .

(Glad someone acknowledged my poor humour!
But why is it that the non- is true? as in non-fiction!!
It should be fact and non-fact.
Unfortunetly I have found the 'facts' on newsgroups to be subject to
In the good old days of Prodigy I found that I could 99.73% depend
upon the offered tech facts to be true rather fact mixed with fiction!
Not that anyone cares or is old enough or lived in the right areas for


Chull13 said:
Have a messed WinXP!!
It has become next to impossible to even work on it as when entering
Safe Mode it will imeediatly log out!! One the very rare occasion it
will boot into Windows normally it will immediatly log out!
To describe everything else would take several pages but I am hoping
this one little snippet might prompt someone here to say: "All you
have to do is..."

(The one other major proble is that it will not boot up to CD!! I had
hope to run the recovery Console or at least to wipe the disk clean
and reinstall but neither CD will boot. Unless an external USB CD will
work it doesn't look good!)

If replacing the CD drive doesn't work, you may very well need a new
motherboard or at least flash the BIOS.


Bob I

Chull13 said:

(Glad someone acknowledged my poor humour!
But why is it that the non- is true? as in non-fiction!!
It should be fact and non-fact.
Unfortunetly I have found the 'facts' on newsgroups to be subject to
In the good old days of Prodigy I found that I could 99.73% depend
upon the offered tech facts to be true rather fact mixed with fiction!
Not that anyone cares or is old enough or lived in the right areas for

You would be surprised.

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